Saturday, November 1, 2008

Recent books on le Cordon Bleu-Paris

01 November
Have you read "The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry" by Kathleen Flinn? What about "Sacre Cordon Bleu; What the French know about cooking" by Michael Booth? Both of these books are great reads on the experiences of going through the training at le Cordon Bleu-Paris to complete le Diplome de Cuisine. I am not aware of any recent books published from graduates of le Diplome de Patisserie or le Grand Diplome from le Cordon Bleu-Paris. Ms. Flinn an American and Mr. Booth a Brit describe the experiences of going through the training in cuisine at le Cordon Bleu-Paris of, shall I say mid-life career changers? Both are very interesting and entertaining. While Ms. Flinn's is very positive of her experiences, Mr. Booth gives a slightly different perspective on the experience. Is this based on male vs. female or American vs. Brit perspectives? I would recommend you read them both and decide for yourself, they are both great reads. For more information check out and .

What is my experience with le Cordon Bleu-Paris(LCB-P)? I started taking one day and then one week classes three years ago. In June-July 2008 I attended and graduated from the Intensive Basic Patisserie class. LCB-P classes are structured as Basic, Intermediate and Superior for both Cuisine and Patisserie. Completing the three levels in either discipline results in le Diplome and completing both disciplines results in le Grand Diplome. Check out for more information.

1 comment:

Zulaikha said...

Hello. I'm thinking about attending LCB Paris in the Fall for the Basic, Intermediate, and Superior Cuisine Certificates. Can you give me any helpful information? Also, do you know of any other website resources to connect with other students...former, prospective or current? Also, any suggestions on a neighborhood to look for a studio?