Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Rugelach

OK, so note to self; in the future don't try a recipe for the first time after a really long day at work and then trying to watch the election results.
So what I need to do differently next time; Dorie said dough could be refrigerated for up to one day. I had to leave it in the fridge for two days due to schedule error. Also, what is it about when I read be careful to not overwork the dough, I tend to underwork it! And, next time pay attention to chopping nuts and chocolate a bit finer and less listening to the political pundits!
It was nice to have such a great smell from the kitchen watching the election results. I'll still bring them into work tomarrow morning and I think they will be gone quickly.

1 comment:

Bungalow Barbara said...

Hi Kevin, welcome to TWD!

I don't think it would hurt the dough to rest another day. Yes, this dough does better when the butter/cream cheese is in small pieces or well mixed in. Better luck next time!

P.S. Hello from another bungalow-dweller!