Sunday, November 2, 2008


Well, it is official! I got the email from "LW" and saw my name and roomatthekitchentable on the website! If you are not familiar with this website, check it out. This was the push I needed to put together this blog. To participate in tuesdayswithdorie (TWD), you need a blog. Basically once a week a recipe is chosen from Baking From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan, and over 300 (I think) bakers make the recipe and blog about it. Too cool! So, since this is my first week I wanted to get a jump on the Tuesday (hence the name of the blog) deadline to post. So, I made the dough for the Rugelach which is this weeks recipe. Tomorrow night I'll make the filling and glaze and bake them.

So now in addition to my goal of trying to bake each Sunday afternoon from le Cordon Bleu recipes, I now have at least every other week goals of TWD. This will keep me busy in the kitchen on Sundays!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome! It's good to have you.